Monday, October 31, 2005

:: h a l l o w ' s . e v e ::

Listening: Loreena McKennitt - Samhain Night (4:30)
Mood: Sick©

© genzoman

Feliz Hallow's Eve, Halloween, Samaiah y demás...

Es curioso pensar en todo lo que un día como hoy implica y de los detalles curiosos de esta fecha (porque a veces, me gana la curiosidad y los checo):

En 1512 se inaguran los frescos de la Capilla Sixtina y 39 años después, en 1542, Miguel Ángel termina "El Juicio Final" de la misma.

"The circle is open but unbroken, Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again."

Samhain es el día de fiesta más importante del calendario céltico. Es el Año Nuevo céltico; es también el Año Nuevo de Wiccan. Samhain y el nuevo año céltico comienzan realmente en la oscuridad de octubre el 31, el principio del día céltico. Tradicionalmente, sin embargo, Samhain fue celebrado en la Luna Llena de octubre, también conocida como luna de la sangre.

+I'll be a moon'sbreath from your side....+

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

:: l e i s u r e ::

Listening: Dana International - Diva (3:01)
Mood: Sick©

Lo único bueno de estar francamente enferma es el rato de ocio sin utilidad que he tenido. Porque de ahi en fuera, realmente odio no poder respirar por la nariz...

¿Quien es ocioso? Bueno, para alguno que lo sea, o tenga tiempo, he aquí una pequeña lista de ociosidades para el día de hoy...

Empecemos con 'quotes' (ver nota 1) de juegos de rol que me topé en la semana. Si, los leí en inglés, me dieron risa en inglés y voy a dejarlos en ese idioma. Traducirlos les quitaría demasiado...

"Okay, you print it in color. The black letters are very colorful."

"Luna, you get back to the library. What are you doing?"
"Probably having an argument with myself."
"Who wins?"
"I do!"

"Sonja, what are you doing?"
"Well…I do like to eat small children. Sometimes I like to converse with stray dogs and convince them to hunt down the small children for me. That's fun. I think I'll do that."
[Long, long silence.]
"Wow. I'm no longer the most evil person in this coterie."

"My background is full of academic backstabbing and betrayal and torture and revenge and stuff."
"My background is full of animal attacks."

"No, I'm just saying, the Tzimisce can turn any part of your body into a weapon. And I know what part of my body I'd most want to be a weapon."

"I'm sorry, man. I just can't seem to picture you as a woman."

"No, rats taste bad. It's like eating bad oatmeal that came off the bottom of someone's shoe after they'd been walking through the sewer."

"It's okay. He took the Shameless Baby-Killer merit."

"Roll Manipulation + Retarded."

"Oh, God, the Sabbat. You won't find a single Conscience roll in there."

"I rekindled my love for the blade by beating things with a shovel."

"If there's an intelligent way to say, 'Fuck the Sabbat,' Sam says it."

"Cinder, can you leade the way? Perhaps find a less violent path? No? Okay, you better get your sword out, then."

"Allow me to introduce you to insert name of woman here."
"This is degenerating, guys."
"Insert name of my character here."
"Insert emotional response here."
"Insert idle banter here. Then, roll some dice."

"Ha ha. Luna's got a boyfriend."
"This is not a boyfriend. This is a loose end I neglected to tie up as well as I should have."
"Ha ha. Luna's got a dead body."

"Don't frenzy on me. I'm not in the mood.”


Si, podrá ser muy ñoño, pero realmente disfruto estas frases celebres del rol. En otros derroteos virtuales:

Just for the joy, I want this car:

© aislingSgrios

Cropped truths:
Can a picture lie?

Y... eso es todo po ahora, en lo que dura mi gripa mutagena homicida.

+May the Lord let me breath the way he intended me to...+

Nota 1:Cada que quiero referirme a 'Cita' como frase célebre o memorable de cualquier tipo, prefiero usar 'Quote', no precisamente por un amor inconmensurable al inglés (que no es precisamente el caso), si no más bien al infinito número de perfiles que me he topado, que en el apartado de 'Cita favorita' ponen una zonzada como, "Contigo nena", o "A la luz de las velas en un lugar bla, bla, bla....", provocandome un ligero ataque de nervios, a la mala interpretación de una palabra en su contexto.

Tal vez sea la única, pero eso me enferma.

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Sunday, October 23, 2005

:: p a r t y . p l a n . w r e c k ::

Listening: The For Carnation - How I Beat The Devil (1:36)
Mood: Yawn... Zzzz©

En la corta reseña de mi fin de semana, comenzaré con el viernes.

Del feliz episodio en el Celtic Irish Pub, conocimos Ana y yo a unas agradables personas. Rodrigo, mi tocayo de cumpleaños tuvo a bien invitarnos a una fiesta el viernes y como el propósito de este año nuevo (mi año nuevo) pues esta el socializar, especialmente cuando se trata de gente simpática.

Ana y yo hicimos acto de presencia en el lugar citado, cerca de la hora, cosa extraordinaria porque suelo ser impuntual y nos quedamos echando volados de si tocar y ver si abrian a un par de perfectas desconocidas (uno nunca sabe, podríamos ser un par de asesinas psicóticas o niñas exploradoras) o darnos la vuelta a nuestro rinconcito recientemente favorito: el Celtic.

Entre volados, la diosa fortuna quiso que nos armáramos de valor y tocáramos el timbre con un discurso parecido a "Soy amiga del primos del hermano del señor que no vino a la fiesta". Afortunadamente si nos abrieron, pero como la otra puerta estaba cerrada, en lugar de esperar en la calle, esperamos otro rato en el hall. Ahí fué donde por fin nos encontramos con Rodrigo que fué quien nos invitó.

Sin hacer un recuento detallado del visto, dicho y hecho, he de decir que ni Ana ni yo bailamos, Ana paró de beber después de la primera cerveza y conocimos nuevas personas, entre ellos a otro jugador de rol. Yo tengo una peculiar debilidad por los juegos de rol, así que ante la propuesta de una sesión, acepté encantada.

Ana tenía que regresar temprano a casa, así que con el amable aventón, estuvo digamos a tiempo y regresamos a una fiesta ya desertica. Sorprendente, ya que yo hubiera jurado que habría menos ruquez y no era tan tarde, realmente.

Bueno, como la cosa ya estaba en camino de terminar pronto, declaramos terminada la noche y tras cenar y otro amable aventón, llegué a mi casa a tiempo.... de ver que daban las 4 a.m.!!!! ¿Cómo rayos se hizo tan tarde?

Nah. Ya con luz de día y como las 2 p.m. me aplicaron el cambio de planes en calidad de tubazo, así que en lugar de hacer lo que mi loca cabecita tenía planeado, acabé perdida en la calzada Ermita-Iztapalapa, hasta como las 5:30 p.m., demasiado tarde para nada que no fuera regresar a mis rumbos. Supuestamente era sólo dejar a mi prima en la pista al 20 para las 4 p.m., pero antes de que me diera cuenta, estabamos dándole aventón también a su hermana, pasando de las 4, porque sus papás ya iban tarde para una comida.

¡Oh cruel destino! Que remedio. Acabé comprando una docena de Krispy Kreme, de la cual sólo tuve el placer de degustar 3 donas. Mi familia acabó con el resto.

Ya de ahí, pernoctar. Estoy regularmente cansada, lo cual es molesto. Mis planes del domingo se vieron abruptamente interrumpidos por un levantarme extremadamente tarde y una abuela adorable que atender.

Helo allí, mi fin de semana.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me encantan las palabras y conjeturas azarosas que se arman como verificación para postear n_n

Son como pequeños pedazos de cielo hechos de letras que sedeslizan dulcemente por la lengua.

¿De que diablos hablo?
De la nueva verificación de posts del blog.

Verificación: Deteniendo a los robots de postear en la vida de otros!

Y hablando de fiestas, calabozos, dragones y extraños a medianoche.

¿Que plan para Samhain?

3:49 pm  

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Thursday, October 20, 2005

:: b a d l y . s i l e n c e d ::

Listening: Ultrasonicas - Que Grosero (2:59)
Mood: Careless©

Siempre hay algún momento o alguna circunstancia en donde una mezcla extraña de sentido común y educación nos impide decir algo (de lo cual podríamos arrepentirnos más tarde) que tal vez sea lo más apropiado en el momento y casi siempre nos deja el saborcito de "Debía haberle dicho que..."

Pensando en eso, viene la siguiente ñoño-lista. Si alguien le queda el saco, con muy buenos y personales motivos, tiene dos opciones principales:
  1. preguntarme antes de ofenderse o

  2. ofenderse y damos por hecho que ya lo dije

Cosas que siempre he querido decir y no lo hago... aún:

"Aún tengo tu suéter... y a veces pienso en donarlo a la caridad"
-A un ex del 2001...

"Me alegro profunda y malsanamente de tu asquerosa desgracia"
-A cualquiera que entre en esa categoría...

"Te odio, a veces sólo para ver si realmente puedo hacerlo, a veces porque realmente lo hago y a veces, porque aún me importas"
-Para un amigo, conocido, hombre en desgracia, y mi particular Blancanieves...

"Tu novia es una maldita perra psicótica. ¿Por que sigues con ella?"
Para dos amigos, que salían con una perra psicótica (uno aún lo hace)...

"Si dices que yo estoy gorda, déjame decirte que tu me ganas por dos toneladas"
-A más de una amiga que tuvieron la feliz idea de decirme que necesitaba perder un par de kilos...

"Vete al diablo!..."
-A mi madre, cada que me sale con peticiones descabelladas...

"Eres un idiota poco original que tiene que estarme plagiando precisamente por eso..."
A los que me plagian, sin reconocerme el crédito...

"Lamento decirte que como padre, eso de estar ausente deja mucho que desear..."
A mi difunto padre, cuando reapareció en mi vida después de 10 años de ausencia...

"¿Aprendió con los monos esas avanzadas técnicas de educación o fueron de invención propia?"
-A un profesor de la UNAM, que no debería de salir de su casa a dar clases...

"Eres una perra traidora y oportunista..."
-A una perra traidora y oportunista con la que estudié en la carrera...

"Eres una hipócrita.... y pasivo-agresiva para acabarla de chingar"
Para un familiar cercano por adopción...

"Esta comida sabe horrible. ¿Así lo cocinaron o le escupió en el camino?"
-Al mesero, en un par de veces en algunos restaurantes...

"Ya en serio. No me interesa salir contigo..."
-En un par de citas que tuve por no andar hiriendo sensibilidades...

"¿Qué puedo decirte? Sólo me interesas para un ratito..."
-A un par de conocidos, antes de que abrieran la boca...

"Ni en tus más locos sueños... ¡y mis peores pesadillas!"
-A un par de conocidos, después de que abrieron la boca...

"Quiero mi maldit@ comida/servico/atención a clientes/etc... ¡¡¡y lo quiero AHORA!!!!"
-Cada que tengo que esperar siglos por ello...

"¡Ay ya!... Que maten al niño/mujer/idiota..."
-En varias películas y programas de TV, en donde los protagonistas se parten en dos por un iciota

"¡Es usted un imbécil!"
-Al mundo de imbéciles que nunca faltan...

"Entendí lo que estas insinuando y quiero decirte que eres un cerdo asqueroso, vulgar y soez..."
-Al cerdo asqueroso, vulgar y soez que nunca falta...

"Tu novia te trata de la fregada, te pone el cuerno cada que quiere y ahí sigues de idiota con ella. ¡¡¿Por qué?!!"
-A un par de amigos que tienen ESE tipo de novia...

"Ya se que tú lo tienes... DEVUÉLVEMELO."
-A mi hermano, cada que se me pierde algo y sé que el lo tiene...

"Tu libro apesta."
-A Milan Kundera, en 'La Broma'

"Eres lindo, amable, considerado... y me apena decirte que sólo me interesas como amigo"
-A más amigos de los que me gustaría...

"Su opinión personal sólo hace de este proyecto la peor expresión gráfica que he visto de un diseño. Mejor resérvesela"
-Algunos clientes de freelance que me han ayudado a practicar la paciencia de la peor manera...

"No soy perfecta. Aprende a vivir con ello"
-A casi todo el mundo, en algún momento, cuando señala mis errores como si fueran el fin del mundo como lo conocemos...

"Esa es una excelente idea. Pero yo tengo una mejor: ¿Porqué no sólo te callas?"
Cada que alguien me dice que haga algo muy, pero muy estúpido...

"No confio en ti. ¿Porque? Porque me has demostrado que tengo que estar idiota para hacerlo"
-A todo aquel que ha traicionado mi confianza...

-Cuando veo algún patán con esa actitud....

"Eso debe ser impresionante en tu planeta nativo, pero tiene una falla enorme: ESTAMOS EN LA TIERRA"
-Cuando se me presente la oportunidad...

"Si me arrepiento de dejarte ir, te llamo. Mientras tanto, sal de mi vida"
-A un hombre insistente, que me dió a entender que me estaba perdiendo la mejor oportunidad de mi vida... Y yo creo que no.

"Jamás vas a encontrar alguien como yo, que este dispuesta a hace rlo mismo. Y no voy a rogarte."
-A todos los que me dejaron ir (a veces, creo que debería dar las gracias por eso)...

"Quiero mi dinero de regreso. Esto no equivale ni remotamente por lo que pagué"
-Un millón de veces, en cientos de lugares...

"Tengo mejores cosas que hacer que estarte escuchando."
-Cientos de veces, antes de evadirme en mi mundo feliz...

"Te lo dije..."
-Cuando decírselo a alguien no equivalga a restregárselo en la cara... demasiado.

"You self-righteous bitch... Get lost!"
-To a self-righteous bitch who thinks the world loves her, deeply... and it doesn't.

"Aún me importa, aunque pretenda todo lo contrario"
-En millones de situaciones...

"Nadie lo vió hacerlo y no pueden probarlo"
-A mi mamá, cuando mi gato sale de la cocina y se desapareció la carne...

"Si, a mi gato le falta un ojo. A ti te falta el cerebro y nadie te hace el feo por eso"
-A un 'conocido' cuando le hizo asco a mi (Adorada) gata...

"Ni creas que voy a pasar eso por alto..."
-Cada que me gana la lindura tóxica...

"No hay nada que hacer al respecto. Me gustas."
-Cada que se me ocurre...

"Esto sólo puede ser obra de tu retorcido sentido del humor."
-Para Dios, unas tres veces por semana...

"Esto sólo puede ser obra de tu curioso sentido del consuelo."
-Para Dios, diario...

-Cuando llegue el momento...

"Esperé toda mi vida por esto"
-Cuando tenga una buena razón para decirlo...

"Te amo"
-A un tonto adorable que nunca lo entendió así...

+When education hinders my right to free speech...+

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3 Comments: [Your Thoughts]

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Insisto que Imbécil es una dorada palabra en el idioma. Insiste en su repleta parcidad y es suficientemente inusual para sacar una reacción de la gente, lo cual significa el mundo en distinguidas ocasiones.

Eso, y nunca esta de más usar la expresión por diversión.

3:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice list. =)
(It's not my intention to start a flame war, so if you wish go ahead and delete this entry. I just had to say it aloud!)

To the silly dude:
Either you talk about the post, or you stay with your fingers away from the keyboard.

If you don't, you're just modeling a new suit with the sign: "CULPABLE DE ALGO DE LO DICHO ARRIBA" right at your back, where everybody but you can see it.

4:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

La cosa es que nadie puede saber que es el tonto eso yo alguna ves fui un tonto por alli y creo haber logrado algo que no muchos logran con esta niña i es callarla de un movimiento

saludos ISA

y recuerda que ese torcido i fino humor es bueno sobre todo la parte del riñon si aun lo recuerdas, y si aun le temo a las arañas

4:40 pm  

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

:: a p o c a l y p t i c a ::

Listening: Apocalyptica - Farewell (5:33)
Mood: Hyperballad©

¡¡Martes de Apocalyptica!!!!


Bueno, eso digo yo. Claro que no esperaba Apocalyptica en butacas, pero en el Auditorio Nacional no hay de otra. Obvio, no video y no cámaras, pero tendrían que quitarle los celulares a todo el mundo para hacer respetar eso. Y se veían todas las pantallitas encendidas de los que hicieron precisamente eso: tomar fotos y video con su celular.

Entre el relajo de si me recojen, me voy, con quien se quda mi abuela y demás se me hizo tarde, tuvieron que pasar por mi y bueno... llegamos apenas a tiempo.

Mis amigos tienen un saludo peculiar audible a distancias inverosímiles, que corrobora mis teorías de conspiración en cuanto a dominación mundial: los pollos buscan su segundo turno al bat!!


Anyway, dejando mis debrayes de lado. Llegamos al concierto, 6 alegres compañeros, 4 de nosotros solteros y nos encaminamos a la entrada del Auditorio Nacional. Entrando al lugar, hubo el obvio vistazo al grupo de gente disímil que asiste a esa clase de eventos. No me malentiendan, Ana se queja de que la gente se arregla para un concierto como si los fuera a ver a ellos. Pero tampoco estoy abierta a la idea de ir a un concierto en pants y sudadera porque nunca sabes lo que podría pasar.

© aislingSgrios

Lo que me encantó fué un muchacho joven, curiosamente llamativo, vestido a lo que esperaría de alguien por este gusto de música: jeans desgastados, camiseta negra, un par de colguijes en cuero negro al cuello, algo en las manos como tiras de tela también negros... Seguido de un resigando padre de traje y corbata que no tenía pinta de ser fan de Apocalyptica, en ninguna manera.

Que cosas hacen los padres por proteger a sus hijos. Y ninguno de los dos tenía cara de "Que hace él aquí". Parecían haber hecho las pases con la idea y abiertos a disfrutar de la noche, con un padre responsable a un lado y un hijo inquieto en un peculiar concierto.

De ahí en fuera, uno podía toparse con casi cualquier tipo de persona... incluso gente normal como nosotros.

© aislingSgrios

© aislingSgrios

© aislingSgrios

Nota: Yo no salgo en ninguna de las fotos. Primero, porque no soy fanática de tomarme fotos (aunque a veces parezca lo contrario) y segundo, porque mis amigos nunca tuvieron la brillante idea de ofrecerse a tomarme una.

Del concierto, tan indescriptible como puede serlo, la crónica sería por cuenta de la gráfica, pero mi cámara de celular no tiene ni remotamente la calidad de tomar fotografías a oscuras y tiene mal zoom, así que... you get what you get"

Gracias a la magia de Telcel, pude compartirlo a expensas de mi crédito. Volvería a hacerlo y seguramente lo haré de nuevo el 29.

So, here it is, what i can hardly share on those images that are woth a thousand words...

© aislingSgrios

© aislingSgrios

© aislingSgrios

© aislingSgrios

© aislingSgrios

© aislingSgrios

Mi zippo me abandonó en un par de canciones...

Powered by Castpost

+Hell of a concert!+

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Espero el concierto haya sido toda una experiencia.

jaja Lo único que me hizo reir, fue el comentario de ¨gente normal como nosotros¨.

Nadie extraño cree ser extraño por sí mismo.

No que sea algo malo, en absoluto.
La expresión me parece.. entretenida.

3:38 pm  

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Saturday, October 15, 2005

:: t e s t . m a d n e s s ::

Listening: Collective Soul - December (4:44)
Mood: Murderous bored©

Bueno, desde que me topé activamente con el OkCupid, he hecho test como degenerada.

He aquí los resultados de mi reciente bacanal:

No luck today
You scored 50 lucky points!

You will get this more often than not. Just be grateful you did not get a bad luck day... Keep on trying, a click in the right answer might change your luck!

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 0% on lucky points
Link: The are you lucky today? Test written by ILoveNothing on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Congratulations! You scored a super 67%!
Cool, calm and powerful. Whilst your actual super abilities may not be anything too dazzling, you have earnt the respect of both friends and enemies in response to your amazing fighting skills, strategic combat and experience. Luckily you have access to the greens which can fund all your majorly cool gadgets, vehicles and weapons! Also, you're reluctant but still accepting to the idea of having a teammate/side-kick, which just makes everything a whole lotta fun, doesn't it now! On the down side, you've probably suffered some sort of trauma at a young age (that's why we don't talk to the old man near the swings, kids). Similar to the Wolverine, your past is a base for your current motivation, undertaking some kind of personal vow in search of ustice. All in all though, you're one tough nut. There's not a lot of people who have the minerals to go up against you, and you're experienced enough not to get cocky and let the little things like never finding happiness get you down!

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 58% on Heropoints
link: The Which SUPER HERO are you Test written by crayzee69 on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Brainy Student
61% Tastefulness, 48% Originality, 42% Deliberateness, 45% Sexiness
[Tasteful Original Random Prissy]

Your style is classic but not glamorous. You don't concentrate on clothes an awful lot, preferring to spend your time on more interesting matters. You don't want to look like everyone else and your probably take care to have a unique element or two in your outfits, just to emphasize your personality, but, on the other hand, you don't need too much attention paid to your looks. Believe it or not, fashion says some things about character. You're probably quite an intellectual and somewhat reserved. But your style is not bad.

The opposite style from yours is Sex Bomb [Flamboyant Conventional Deliberate Sexy].

All the categories: Fashion Enemy Bar Cruiser Kid Next Door Sex Bomb Hippie Kid Fashion Rebel Fashion Artist Catwalk God(ess) Librarian Sporty Hottie Office Master Uptown Girl/ Boy Brainy Student Movie Star Fashionista Glamorous Soul

This test tracked 4 variables. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 62% on Tastefulness
Higher than 28% on Originality
Higher than 11% on Deliberateness
Higher than 31% on Sexiness
Link: The Fashion Style Test written by mari-e on Ok Cupid

You scored 60% Pride, 52% Envy, 75% Ambition, and 70% Deceitfulness!
You are Satan, the consummate villain, and the ascendant figure in the unholy trinity. Throughout history you have been called The Serpent, The Accuser, The Devil, Lucifer, The Prince of the Power of the Air, and The Dragon, among other things. Your "compatriots" in the unholy trinity, the Antichrist and the False Prophet, are merely pawns in your futile struggle with God. Though, they probably don't know this. This is because you are a master of deception; indeed the Bible calls you "The Father of All Lies". You are also very ambitious, and you strive to be in positions of the utmost authority. Unfortunately, it was impossible for you to obtain the highest title in heaven and this is part of the reason why you decided to leave. Of course, you couldn't just leave by yourself, so you managed to use your deceptive abilities to get one third of the angels in heaven to join with you in revolt.God put down the rebellion and expelled you from heaven. To most people, it would seem foolish to start a war against God, but pride can sometimes cause people to do foolish things. In heaven, you were the
most beautiful and powerful of all angels and you were well aware of this. Unfortunately, you let your pride consume you and your passions led you down the road to perdition. After you were expelled from heaven, you let another one of your attributes consume you-envy. You knew that you could never defeat God, but you could attempt to destroy humanity, his most beloved creation. Your goal is to bring as many people as possible to suffer in Hell with you. Fortunately for you, but unfortunately for the rest of us, you've been endowed with all of the attributes necessary (deceptiveness, confidence, ruthlessness, and ambition) to do a terribly good job at this.

This test tracked 4 variables. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 64% on Pride
Higher than 65% on Envy
Higher than 79% on Ambition
Higher than 86% on Deceitfulness
Link: The Which Biblical Villain Are You Test written by MetalliScats on Ok Cupid

You scored 33% Evil, 20% Violent, and 28 %Heartless!
You are the farthest thing from an evil overlord. Just quit now before you embarrass yourself. Your not really evil, violent, or heartless. All in all your not really a bad person, sure you may not be a goody two shoes but we Evil Overlords want NOTHING to do with you.

This test tracked 3 variables. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 14% on Evil
Higher than 1% on Violent
Higher than 10% on Heartless
Link: The Are you and Evil Overlord Test written by iirimarauko on Ok Cupid

WASH: Pilot
You scored 60% roughness, 60% intelligence, and 50% isolated!

Congratulations, you are Wash!!!

Wash is Serenity's pilot and is also married to Zoe. He is unassuming, self-deprecating and not at all the fiery hero type.

Raised on a world so polluted he couldn't see the stars, Wash entered pilot's training to get a look at them. But he got more than a job when he applied to be Serenity's pilot-he found a wife in the ship's first mate Zoe. A laid-back, jovial guy with an active sense of humor, Wash just wants a ship to fly and his wife alive and at his side.

Wash loves to fly but hates to fight.

Other Possible Results...

KAYLEE: Mechanic WASH: Pilot INARA: Ambassador SIMON: Doctor JAYNE: Mercenary ZOE: Soldier RIVER: Fugitive MAL: Captain SAFFRON THE OPERATIVESHEPHERD

This test tracked 3 variables. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 38% on roughness
Higher than 25% on intelligence
Higher than 55% on isolated
Link: The Firefly Character Personality Test written by catdog875woo on Ok Cupid

So you need Healing (56%), Knowledge (20%), Inspiration (70%), and Strength (81%)?
Archangel Gabrielis the Angel of mercy and harmony, and the protector of all that is pure and innocent. He assists humans in developing and utilizing their intuitive ability and grants wisdom in interpreting dreams and visions.

Gabriel assists us in the realization of our total potential, and harmonizes all necessary factors which will aid us in achieving your goals. He takes away sorrow and helps us find happiness, offers inspiration and divine inner strength during times when there appears to be little to be joyful about, and diminishes self-destructive tendencies by replacing them with gentle growth of new hope.

Gabriel is also traditionally known as the great communicator for the Divine. So he is especially able to help with inner communications between our conscious and subconscious, as well as provide practical support for effective communications in our outer, day-to-day life. He supports artists in expressing themselves, helps them to think clearly and encourages them to remain with their ideas until their masterpiece is finished. He is the Patron Angel of writers and journalists whom he aids in getting their messages out to the world.

One of Gabriel's tasks is to guide the souls of unborn babies through their mother's pregnancy. He spends the nine months informing the new person of what he or she will need to know on Earth, and just before its birth he will silence the child by pressing his finger onto the child's lips in order to ensure the safety of the secrets of divine wisdom, thus producing the cleft below a person's nose. It is called the "Sign of Gabriel's Touch".

A Bit of Trivia:

Gabriel is one of the four greatest Archangels, the other three being Raphael, Michael, and Uriel. Just like Ariel and Jophiel, Gabriel is sometimes referred to as a female. He corresponds with the Watersigns, Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. He is considered the Angel of the Moon and thus the ruler of Monday, the day of gentleness and intuition. His symbols are the chalice and fountain representing purification and rejuvenation, but also the white lily and jasmine standing for purity. He can be seen on the Tarot card Key 20 - Judgement, which shows him in his role as the resurrecting force. This card causes confusion as the trumpet is generally though of as a symbol of the angel Israfel.

Jophiel - Michael - Israfel - Raziel - Ariel - Uriel - Gabriel - Raphael - Zadkiel - Jeremiel

This test tracked 4 variables. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 70% on Healing
Higher than 2% on Knowledge
Higher than 79% on Inspiration
Higher than 93% on Strength
Link: The Angel Test written by Nitsuki on Ok Cupid

The Clergy
Enjoy your life as a....77!!!
You're not one who particularly ENJOYS taking risks, but then again, it's not really in your job description. What your duties DO entail are manipulating the populace into whatever you what, and they'll go for it, because, let's face it, the church is NEVER wrong! Not a bad deal!

This test tracked 1 variable. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 21% on Talents
Link: The Medival Career Guide Test written by alexium on Ok Cupid

You scored 60 Holy, 42 Tactful, 100 Natural, and 55 Arcane!
You are in-tune with the natural world, and, regrettably, only the natural world. The interests of human society are not your concern. You probably form closer bonds with animals than you do humans. This class makes a career out of being at one with nature. You'd make a great eco-terrorist... if only magic really did exist that is. Thankfully, nature likes you as much as you do it, and so you get to do some pretty cool stuff in it's name. Ultimately you'll be able to turn into various animals and roam around eating elk and whatnot. I think that picture is doing a better job of describing you than I ever could... real world advice??? Umm, if you go to stonehenge then remember that it's illegal to cross the ropes... oh and get out a little bit. I know she's called Mother nature, but this isn't the kind of Mom you want to settle down with if you're a dude... she might eat you.

This test tracked 4 variables. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 74% on Godliness
Higher than 27% on Tact
Higher than 96% on Harmony
Higher than 69% on Arcane
Link: The Which D & D Class am I Test written by effataigus on Ok Cupid

Obi-Wan Kenobi
You scored 76% wisdom, 37% aggression, 62% power, and 76% morality!
You are one of the wisest Jedi of them all, and have had a very eventful career full of failures and successes. You are a skilled fighter, having defeated many powerful opponents in your time. You are not overly aggressive, though. You are more reserved and collected. Your sense of morality is without question, and you are a model Jedi.

This test tracked 4 variables. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 60% on wisdom
Higher than 28% on aggression
Higher than 44% on power
Higher than 64% on morality
Link: The Famous Jedi or Sith Test written by SarumantheMad on Ok Cupid

You scored 91 %
If you scored 70% or above, you are good to have in a sticky situation If you scored 40% to 70%, you just might guess right and do some good If you scored 40% or less, pray someone around you scored better than you did!

This test tracked 1 variable. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 51% on variable 1
Link: The Can I save someones life? Test written by beebes on Ok Cupid

The Untouched
Your score was -14 out of a possible 56.
Rare and untouched, you are very special. It may be through choice, or just bad luck - but if you're a girl, guys might find it attractive and positively relish the prospect of teaching you one or two things... If you're a guy, other men will make fun of you. You may sometimes get overlooked in favour of rougher, tougher guys. Don't let this put you off. Someday you'll be recognised for your true potential.

Your long-term prospects are good. You're great marriage material. This'll probably get noticed more as you get older. No chance of you running of with the milkman or being found in bed with your secretary. And the chances are, you'll leave the education system with great results and end up in a high paid job - and who'll be laughing then?

This test tracked 1 variable. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 21% on inno-cents
Link: The Innocence Test written by normalreally on Ok Cupid

43% Domestication, 63% Predator, 65% Social
Somewhat Domestic: You've learned that living in the rules of society can be beneficial, so you do so - to a degree. When the restrictions start to wear you down, though, you are likely to balk or run off for a period of time. Or, perhaps, you hang just near the edges of society, knowing when or where to dart in to get what you want.

Somewhat Predator: You tend to not seek out conflict, but will fight, if need be, if something threatens you.

Somewhat Social: While you may enjoy the company of people, you do not get deeply attached to them. If it doesn't inconveniance you, you may help out others - or perhaps, you acknowledge that strength is in numbers. When it comes to crunch time, however, you tend to watch out only for yourself.

This test tracked 3 variables. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 26% on Domestication
Higher than 79% on Predator
Higher than 47% on Social
Link: The What Creature Are You? Test written by fraoch on Ok Cupid

The Carnal Lover
50% partner focus, 66% aggressiveness, 65% adventurousness
Based on the results of this test, it is highly likely that:

You prefer your romance and love to wild and daring rather than typical or boring, you would rather pursue than be pursued and, when it comes to physical love, you concentrate more on enjoying the experience rather than worrying about your performance.

This places you in the Lover Style of: The Carnal Lover.

The Carnal Lover is a wonderful Lover Style, though it is often confused with terms like "player" or even "slut." The Carnal Lover is not necessarily either of those things (though sometimes is) but is instead a lover of life, romance and pleasure. The Carnal Lover is a treasure to find, though can sometimes be difficult to keep happy once found, because a Carnal Lover often loves a variety-filled life.

In terms of physical love, the Carnal Lover tends to be dynamic and driven, and can therefore be quite pleasurable. Given the right motivation, and the right lover, the Carnal Lover can be a delight in bed.

Best Compatibility can probably be found with: The Surprising Lover (most of all) or the Devoted Lover, or the Liberated Lover.


If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback! Thanks Again! -- THE LOVER STYLE PROFILE TEST

This test tracked 3 variables. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 27% on partner focus
Higher than 79% on aggressiveness
Higher than 66% on adventurousness
Link: The Lover Style Profile Test written by donathos on Ok Cupid

Great Catch
You scored 40% bitchiness, 60% sexual drive, 65% cleanliness, and 55% self confidence!
You are a fantastically great catch. You are nice enough, confident, clean and super-sexy. Lots of people want to get their hands on you so the hard part about being you is trying to choose a partner worthy enough for you.

This test tracked 4 variables. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 23% on bitchiness
Higher than 34% on sexual drive
Higher than 70% on cleanliness
Higher than 11% on self confidence
Link: The What Kind of Lover are You? Test written by steeni on Ok Cupid

You are 22% mind-centered, 45% heart-centered, and 31% instinct-centered!

How Do I Interpret My Results?

Since we all possess each center, you will have three scores. Determine your highest percentage. Also keep in mind your second highest percentage. Your second highest reveals a strong tendency toward an additional center. Evenly matched centers are rare, but not unheard of. Explanation of evenly matched centers is currently beyond the scope of this test. Consider yourself a blend of both centers for the time being. Continue reading below for descriptions of each center.


*Dutiful (to others or self)
*Pays attention to details
*Phobic or paranoid
*Intellectual or rational
*Often possess a higher degree of concentration
Generally longer attention spans
*Emotional minimalists (emotions are sporadic and irrational)


*Often very expressive and communicative
*Pays attention to feelings
*Tend to be temperamental or hostile at times
*An unusual mix of self-interest and deep concern for the external world
*Often possess a higher degree of emotional intelligence (aware of feelings)
*Image centered (presents a crafted persona to the world)
*Empathic, creative, and intuitive.


*Have trouble with feeling disconnected (to others and/or self)
*Capable of intellectual and emotional pursuits, but must focus and expend energy to do them
*Behavior centric (people's behavior is very important)
*Often judgemental or punitive toward "infidels" (people who act poorly)
*Often possess a higher degree of discernment and initiative.
*Generally focused on what is important in life rather than what is trivial and/or not practical.
*Tend to have more outbursts of anger (whether repressed or not; passive or aggressive)

This test tracked 3 variables. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 11% on mind
Higher than 69% on heart
Higher than 44% on instinct
Link: The Soul's Orientation Test written by Giogoto on Ok Cupid

The Priss
137 variable 1
You are the kind of woman men often spot at second sight. Your sensuous radiation surrounds you like a subtle perfume - men have to come very close to you to feel it. Your impact is discreet, as you often restrain and cultivate you sensuality. You seek for a special experience that would lift you from Earth and make your head spin, so you divide men into categories. Like a calculator. Sensuality on the other hand is something spontaneous, like a subtle locking of eyes with a stranger at the street that makes your heart pound and disengages the feeling of euphoria. Men often admire you but don´t have the guts to approach you. What a pitty!

This test tracked 1 variable. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 89% on variable 1
Link: The How do men perceive you Test written by Mahoon19 on Ok Cupid

Congratulations! You scored 71%!
Cashews are tasty. You're quite nuts. But, you've got a perfect thing going on, cashews're definitely nuts, but they know when to be serious! You've managed to strike a fine balance. You don't care what other people think, you're just you, but you are not so far out that people will think: this cashew is tasting a bit too funny..

This test tracked 1 variable. How the score compared to the other people's:
Higher than 82% on nutsability

Take The "exactly how nuts are you?" Test

+Been better... Been worse... I'm hanging on.+

[Your thoughts]

3 Comments: [Your Thoughts]

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Algunos son tan certeros que duele.
¿Que tal la semana ademas de los eventos misticos y arcanos con extraños y preguntas sorpresa?

Barado en las exiliadas tierras de mi hogar este fin de semana creo que me dare una vuelta a los susodichos tests. Muchas horas que matar... Y pocas municiones :(

Best of wishes.

12:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

este phulano es idiota o ke?

no ves que acava de firmar ke ha estado peor y mejor...

12:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*le avienta palomitas a antitribal desde su butaca*


Yo saqué 83 heropoints (batman, I had to be) xD... y los otros tests están chidos.

Huyo a clase, sigo comentando luego.

1:55 pm  

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