:: s o u l ::
You Are a Hunter Soul
You are driven and ambitious - totally self motiviated to succeed
Actively working to acheive what you want, you are skillful in many areas.
You are a natural predator with strong instincts ... and more than a little demanding.
You are creative, energetic, and an extremely powerful force.
An outdoors person, you like animals and relate to them better than people.
You tend to have an explosive personality, but also a good sense of humor.
People sometimes see you as arrogant or a know it all.
You tend to be a bit of a loner, though you hate to be alone.
You are driven and ambitious - totally self motiviated to succeed
Actively working to acheive what you want, you are skillful in many areas.
You are a natural predator with strong instincts ... and more than a little demanding.
You are creative, energetic, and an extremely powerful force.
An outdoors person, you like animals and relate to them better than people.
You tend to have an explosive personality, but also a good sense of humor.
People sometimes see you as arrogant or a know it all.
You tend to be a bit of a loner, though you hate to be alone.
...Funny how...
2 Comments: [Your Thoughts]
hace rato que no he posteado en tu Blog. Lo siento... en parte falta de inspiración, en parte cansancio. Eso de repartir volantitos con mi currículum es cansado.
Ahorita que vi esto de "hunter soul" pensé... un día de estos te aplico una batería de tests psicométricos, si quieres. Estoy seguro de que encontrarías cosas interesantes!
un abrazote!!
P.D.: ojalá pudiera visitarte pronto.
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