Sunday, April 10, 2005

:: s i m i l a r . m i n d s ::

Listening: Astrid Van Der Veen - Soulmaster
Mood: Womba womba ©

Otro test. Con lo que me gusta diseccionarme la psique a punta de cuestionarios, caray. Aunque este actualiza el post de :: t e m p e r a m e n t ::...

Actualized type: INFP
(who you are)
Introverted (I) 58.54% Extroverted (E) 41.46%
Intuitive (N) 57.89% Sensing (S) 42.11%
Feeling (F) 61.11% Thinking (T) 38.89%
Perceiving (P) 65.71% Judging (J) 34.29%

INFP - 'Questor'. High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.

Preferred type: INFP
(who you prefer to be)
Extroverted (E) 50% Introverted (I) 50%
Intuitive (N) 61.54% Sensing (S) 38.46%
Feeling (F) 56.76% Thinking (T) 43.24%
Perceiving (P) 65.63% Judging (J) 34.38%

INFP - 'Questor'. High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.

Attraction type: INTJ
(who you are attracted to)
Introverted (I) 59.38% Extroverted (E) 40.63%
Intuitive (N) 55% Sensing (S) 45%
Thinking (T) 54.55% Feeling (F) 45.45%
Judging (J) 62.07% Perceiving (P) 37.93%

INTJ - 'Mastermind'. Introverted intellectual with a preference for finding certainty. A builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models. 2.1% of total population.

Los gustos se rompen en géneros. Y yo que casi no pido nada... Jojojo...

+Cheers mate!+

[Your thoughts]

2 Comments: [Your Thoughts]

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Queria saber en que site hiciste el test :)
Es que yo hice en keirsey, uno de 70 preguntas..y quiero ver si otros lo confirman!
Saludos de otro INFP

5:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He hecho ese test, y dependiendo d e mie stadod e ánimo, me salen resultados diferentes....

El que hice en otra página, epro que encuentras en Similar minds,e s el del Eneagrama, el hacer ese test, hizo que reexaminara muchas cosas de mi vida...

Y si, a mi también me encanta examinar todo lo que pasa por mis ojos o lo que hago...

12:19 pm  

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